Note: this is part of the Self Bible Studies series. WHAT WE HAVE IN CHRIST Paraphrase Philemon 6 Things that happen when one becomes a Christian. Take only two verses a day and then meditate on what these verses declare you have in Christ. l. Phil 4:3, Dan 12:l, Luke l0:20, Rev 3:5, l3:8, 20:15, 21:23-7 2. Romans 8:29 3. Ephesians l:l3 4. I Peter l:23 5. Ephesians 2:l 6. John l:l2 7. Ephesians 2:8 8. I Peter l:l8 9. Romans 7:6 l0. John l4:2,3 ll. I Pet 2:5,9 l2. James l:l8 l3. James 2:5 l4. Ephesians l:l8 l5. Romans l2:5 l6. Romans l2:5 l7. I Cor l2:13 l8. Romans 2:29 l9. I Cor 2:l4 20. Romans 6:ll, Col 3:3 2l. Romans 7:4 22. Romans 7:4 23. I Cor l2:7-ll 24. Luke l5:l0 25. I Pet l:3 26. I Thes 4:l6,l7 27. Ephesians l:l3 28. Ephesians l:l9,20 29. Ephesians l:l8 30. Matthew 7:7, John l6:24 31. Romans 8:28 ![]() |