Note: this is part of the Self Bible Studies series. Start to Finish 1. Jude 24-25 Who keeps us from falling? Who presents us before His glory with much joy? 2. Col. 1:21-23 Whose work is it to present us unblameable in His sight? 3. I John 1:9 Psalm 51:2 Who cleans us from all unrighteousness? 4. Psalm 51:10 Who gives us a right spirit and makes our heart clean? 5. Matt. 11:28-30 Who makes us rest? 6. Titus 2:14, Phil. 2:13 Who purifies us and makes us want to do good works? 7. Col. 2:6 Do we receive Jesus by trying hard to do good deeds or by believing? John 6:47 Romans 10:9 Then do we walk with Jesus by trying hard to do good deeds or by believing? John 6:47 Romans 10:9 8. Phil. 1:6 Who BEGINS a good work in us and who COMPLETES it? ![]() |